Sister, I Am the Queen in This Life - Chapter 61
You don't have anything in histories
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This is just so fucking wrong at this point I’m to cherishe my little sis
Cube glass
For the last panel translated mean ariadne come back
the trsnslation for the last one sucked
I legit cried and for some unknown reason that made me vent out out all my tears and stress for thirty whole minutes. ARABELLA!!!!!!!!!!!WHY?!
guys is it normal to cry cuz arabella died? i really cried like real crying
I don’t like that expression one bit
Let me guess he will fall of the horse because he is so stressed and what happens to every person who drives while stressed 😐now not only will she lose her little sister she will also lose her true love and Bo hoo she’ll get revenge on them all and after all that she will finally rest in hell a 100 years later she is reborn and so is Alfa so they fall inlove again and live happily ever after (or they just end the whole manga with her finally getting her revenge and she’s smiling for real and that’s the last ever photo of this beautiful manga)
@BadGirl even if u did have a bad day it’s dam rude to say that to someone who’s having a bad day… And even if u don’t care u could have just kept it to ur self my guy was ranting. Let him breathe yk…
@Josh Thankgosh
Can you tell it to your bff I don’t fucking care (sorry me too I had a bad day)
The translation really screwed up the atmosphere I even laughed but we’ll , she didn’t had to die man…….she was so cute , now I wonder how will she get revenge, I mean supposedly she can’t change someone destiny , killing someone that is not fated to die could kill her so…..yeah ut will be interesting
What a crazy family…..
Yeah there is a ML.
Please we want revenge, our fl is so strong but she need help to put that damn family to hell,
Seul soul
At this rate, I don’t care about who’s the damn ml or romance whatsoever, just rooting for Ariadne’s revenge for our poor Arabella! They deserve a miserable punishment worse than death !!!!! Man, they made my blood boiling 🤬
im here for the men
woah i feel the anger
As much as I want this guy to be the ML, I think maybe there isn’t one.
Ariadne just needs to leave and go find her own life. Just disappear
whoa that chapter was intense
I’m so devastated about her little sisters death. I was really hoping she’d be able to save her this time. Also, everyone keep your fingers crossed that the prince gets a back bone.
Guess who
I want this guy as the ml! so get a backbone and act on ur own man!!