Sister, I Am the Queen in This Life - Chapter 49
You don't have anything in histories
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Yow guys have you forgotten that Cesare is a playboy until recently he wanna hook up with a milf
Oh the anti-romani sentiment is strong these last few chapters. I hope people know this is a depiction of roma people based on centuries of oppression and ethnic stereotyping. From the concept of them scamming people to the visual they chose (which also has antisemitic foundations because there is a large amount of overlap in the bigotry dating back to like the 13th century)
Why is there so much support for ceaser…he is toxic, for me it’s always Alfonso, if she ends up with ceaser that wll not be a happy ending n i want her to atleast try n save his mother even if she can’t at least she shld try…if she isn’t even trying then she doesn’t deserve Alfonso, then she shld stay single
I totally agree with @Soraiya , but I’m afraid the author does not 🙁
She’s such a boss lady
If cesare just stops following his mother’s greedy path to the throne, and realise not getting father’s love isn’t crown prince’s fault, that he is getting the same attitude he is giving to others……….. then only he’ll be suitable enough
Well at least we got the mother out the way😁
this story is really satisfying lately
Bangchans rubber duck
Cesare can be better to Ariadne, but he’s still the man he is. He’s still a misogynist who is bitter about his lot in life. If he can’t change, MC can never respect him. I actually hope the crown prince grows a backbone.
I’m sorry…but I want to see her get together with Cesare in this life and him become a better man
Rum Lawrence
😂that was satisfying af
Bitch thought she would draw a huge ass stuff in the house of a cardinal and get away with it 🤣
Ah yes drawing pentagrams in a fucking Cardnials house!!! My god damn she is legit stupid. Hates the youngest daughter for being to talented and now literally using anti church imagery? He is a man and higher up in the church he could lose literally everything to keep her and she clearly has shown to be to worthless to be worth keeping.