Sister, I Am the Queen in This Life - Chapter 40
You don't have anything in histories
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Both of them wants her for wrong reason or unsettled affairs. Cesar wants her to spite Alphonso and Alphonso wants her truly but can’t stand for himself and be truthful about his own feeling and with others.
I don’t know why,but I don’t like Alponso
He isn’t charming for
He seems like just a little boy
The only reason Cesar wants Ari because she is alph woman and he finds her a little interesting other than that he is just selfish self centered narcissistic shit and Alph is the total opposite
Cesar’s still a douche. He only took an interest in Ari because she was close with Alphonso. Now he’s trying to play the gentleman? Nope. Alphonso is in a precarious position and unless he can actually marry Ari, he can nope too.
I don’t get it, Caesar’s past doesn’t excuse his wrong doings and while I feel bad for him he hasn’t reformed himself at all so to me he’s still garbage
Pretty boi u should suffer rejection too. Cesar had been through worse u hv no idea