Sister, I Am the Queen in This Life - Chapter 39
You don't have anything in histories
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I know this is old but honestly Cesare’s backstory does make me pity him. He’s literally just a product of his surroundings: a horrible abusive father, a mother who does nothing but scold and pressure him into ascending the throne, and the only person who he felt safe with turning her back on him. His actions into adulthood are horrible, yes I will say that, but at least it makes sense. Cesare has room for redemption and development (though idk if it’ll happen since I never made it that far before) but as of right now Cesare has been conditioned into a shitty person. I believe that if he was in a better environment he’d be a better person. We don’t even know his own personal goals and wishes, all we know is that his a womanizing asshole who envies Alphonso and is plotting for the throne. Does he even personally want the throne or is he just doing it because it’s all his mother pressures him into doing. Even in the past life with the mc using her was highly advantageous for him. She was a naive woman who was ready to throw away her life for him with ease. That’s not even a real love to him she was just obsessed one-sidedly, he didn’t even need to put in any real effort because she was just that weirdly attached. Cesare has made horrible decisions, done horrible things, and is a horrible person but he is very understandable.
Boy… this caught me out of guard eish
The people in these comments are pathetic. Y’all read one sad backstory and automatically forgot who a person is. It’s sad
Ummm idk why srsly idk really why …..but i pity the red hair guy. It was so heartbreaking to see his father denying him the right to call him dad. Dude its not his fault that u. Cheated why do kids have to suffer the repercussions of their parent’s failed marriage i hate this
I like boys who like boys
Boi bye , I will say I do feel bad for how he was she does a child but you are still a shi-ty person
Ohhh cesare now i understand him why he did that
I don’t hate Cesare just dont like the king and his mom
why is the red guy hot and the ml….