Sister, I Am the Queen in This Life - Chapter 36
You don't have anything in histories
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I would say it’s the manipulation from the mother that turns him into the scumbag that he was in the previous lifetime. We have seen up to this point, that he has yet to be fully corrupted by his mother’s wishes, as he is defiant to some degree still. But as time goes by and his jealousy for the crown prince grows, and his desire to be “seen” by his father, even outside the shadows, leaves the mother’s serpent tongue at an advantage. I think the point Ariadne came back to, is the point before his true downfall as a human being.
Nope, men like that don’t just magically become respectful or honest without some serious sh*t happening to them first and right now he’s trash that isn’t even good enough for a one night stand. He sees women as obstacles or objects or trophies but not as people with worthy thoughts or motivations and that’s it.
I think he isn’t that bad but manipulated by Isabelle , so he treats her like that in pervious life