Sister, I Am the Queen in This Life - Chapter 34
You don't have anything in histories
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perhaps did the brothers switch souls
I don’t know whose side to choose anymore
Attackonfeelings said it all
Sorrie prince but he did show up while u were absent u r always slow in helpin her. Idk why but this prince is just too frail with his personality its like the other way round with the fl protecting him
the crow prince is too slow -_-
He hasn’t changed. He’s only chasing after the FL because she treats him like how her sister treated him in their past life. The sister didn’t live or care about the illegitimate prince and I think he liked the chase and the winning feeling when he finally got her (like she was just a prize). To him now the FL is his new “chase” and he’s getting excited about it, not because he loves her or respects/cares about her, but because it’s probably fun for him.
If ONLY he actually just 1/5 bad than he currently is he would be a good 2nd ml candidate for me
If only he was this sweet from the beginning…. Then Alfonso could disapper. But if this is just a trick then it’s honetly depressing
Allie Sis
You ask Why did he help you..
Well it’s because men are creatures that want to gain the woman who doesn’t give way to them, but then they don’t accept responsibility after it 😑
crown prince you have to move!!!! your rival is squeezing into the cracks of her heart!!!
Ceaser told us that he would do everything he could to take her from his half brother not bc he likes her, don’t forget that. not redeemed until he falls in love with her…..
This story is making me confused i dont know to who to ship anymore😭😭😭😭
Blueberry Tea
↓ feel free to make fun of the typos, I’m laughing my ass off because I can’t spell and I think I’m delirious
Blueberry Tea
I commend and respect that salty ceaser salad has now been redeemed. Although, due to personally grudges of him being a both in the past and him not being Alfonso, I must respectfully decline the action of liking him. Although I accept to tolerate him, I will still resemptuasly call him salty ceaser salad be because I can and because he looks like he’d be fine with it.
Wow! They really complement each other.
Now, I wish Cesare to be the ML.
bruh why am i pissed that alfonso’s pissed. he was the one ignoring ariadne
-_- and then hes all possessive over her