Sister, I Am the Queen in This Life - Chapter 27
You don't have anything in histories
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arjunbatra260299 ???? I understand being upset but wishing that on somebody is literally fucking mental
I hate to say this i really do but women who can go to extent of disgracing other women by rippin their clothes i hope nothing but to see her get raped cz she really craves for attention so she deserves it
I mean I can’t T-T
she is really a bitch I just wanna quill her but I can
It must be hard that the man you killed because of a stinky douchebag is now your biggest supporter in this lifetime.
ALSO I LOVE THIS COUPLE SM, and that samn bitch sister i want her to dye
Who… even invites her anywhere. Yeah, she’s pretty. But she’ll flirt with your fiancee and spread terrible gossip. Do noblewomen not have standards? it’s not like she’s from a particularly high-ranking family
crap.. the bul*sh**…!!!
Nonono don’t leave me hanging like that!! I need more
oh my fucking god, I want to kill and humiliate that bitch so bad
such a bitch