Sister, I Am the Queen in This Life - Chapter 21.5
You don't have anything in histories
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Yuckie.. stay away red horshit
Blueberry Tea
😔 pls get this guy out of my sight until after his redemption arc
AARTSY TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION, the blue jewel is ownership of the late/current empress. Her receiving it means she was acknowledged by the empress which oversees internal palace affairs. that being said, shes an upstandinh woman that COULS HAVE THE CHANCE TO BE THE CROWN PRINCESS if not even being the next empress. This is no different to a illegitimate prince. If he shows that he has the blue jewel, it would mean that the empress has acknowledged him and he might even get adopted for legitimacy’s sake this getting a chance to
be a prince competing for the right to the throne
Hmm…and why is he after the jewel??
Also gotta remember she wants her step sister to pair up with this guy and be used and the step sister is literally more moldable than playdo she will covet for the red head and want him she will probably manipulate to get them together sooner so her step sister can be used and abused instead of herself.
She’s not talking to him bc she wants to though, think about it. He just tried made a scene by calling her a liar and question her credibility. She proved herself of course bc she’s a G, but it begs the question “why”. Especially when in the previous life he didn’t take an interest in the statue.
As a regressor, she needs all the information she can get if anything, like this, changes.
That and plot. Lmao as a writer I can understand the need to bring a character (even a shit one like this trash prince) in to create drama
Shit Red head. Why you’re talking to him instead of Alphonso? Don’t waste your time for a bastard person like him. Everyone (readers) will think you’re still into him. Haiz, don’t scratch the wound that almost healed
@Supremedamnation Easier said than done, especially with the type of history they have.
She should be indifferent towards him.