Sister, I Am the Queen in This Life - Chapter 14.5
You don't have anything in histories
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@Fuyuki13 is right it just doesn’t suit here ~_~
Who cares he gave her his piece of ahem.. like a treasure of his ? Or like a print? In MODERN WORLD : LOVEBITE HEHEHE
The colors don’t suit her. With her dark hair, fair skin and green eyes she’d look better in bold, cool colors like burgundy, or evergreen, royal blue, etc. Over pastels
I still don’t like her overall look even with the ribbon.
Alfonso such a sweet heart! I’m here just to see your pure and lovly smile…
Don’t tell me she told the queen about her past life cesare’s plan of coup d’etat??? Since ariadne knows if she possess the jewelry she will be married to cesare again but she can’t decline it bc of the king’s order jsjxdbjdjd
Huh ? Huh? Wut?! Makes no sense to ask for favor? Wut?
What doesn’t make sense? what happened?😰
Well,I don’t understand why the queen burst into anger? What favor did Ariadne asked? But the ribbon is so pretty,Alphonse is so sweet
Well yea for you but for future lady it does! Woooo!!