Sister, I Am the Queen in This Life - Chapter 136
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So the spoilers I know are,
Alfonso will return as a built man and they will meet again with ari.the reason alfonso doesnt send letters is cuz that gallico girl that obsessed with alfonso.she steel all alfonso letters that send to ari and aris letters that send to alfonso.but she will die soon before alfonso return as I remember.however she wont be a pain in ass that troublr ari and alfonsos love.
Alfonso return as a big built man and so mature unlike bedfore naive boy.
thank you! I hope rubina dies of the plague. And so does the gallico king. sheesh… how nasty.
man I need spoilers!
By god they made me care about some third stage character with just a few words…! 😭😭😭 Greta no…!
Cyndiee rella
Call me speed 😔