Sister, I Am the Queen in This Life - Chapter 13
You don't have anything in histories
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Kinda feel for his mom tbh. I mean, she’s obviously not a good person, but at least she’s got a good head on her shoulders. She gained her position through cunning, only to see her son waste her efforts and refuse to improve himself. His father spoils him, as we’ve been shown, and all he does is whine about it not being enough. Like, do you even know how to manage a territory? Why don’t you go accomplish something so your father has the excuse to give you more opportunities?
-_- woman you know he’s a “man” right? You throw shit at him and raise your voice and grab his collar and openly speak treason. He could literally beat you, slap you” shank you all kinds of things. And you think just because you pushed him out of your body that you have right to control him? He’ll fucking kill you if you push too hard if he’s even a little like you
Unlikely when he needed his wife to do all the heavy lifting in his past life
Like mother like son ??. Alfonso is the right one to the throne. Stop hallucinating things that is absurd