Sister, I Am the Queen in This Life - Chapter 123
You don't have anything in histories
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Didn’t she learn, to change the future she must sacrifice
There’s a plague, food is lacking, the poor were locked up like animals in a pen, they are prevented from going out and at any moment they can get infected because are so many people in a small space that doesn’t have the necessary cleanliness and facilities to be able to have a dignified existence, but it turns out that they are useless bastards and not “real poor people” 🤨🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Sometimes I wonder if others are actually reading the story before commenting stupidities that show a total lack of empathy and understanding towards people who are going through a difficult situation, ignoring all the context that has been shown from before, what led to those circumstances. They only show their classist and discriminatory side. It’s bold to point out what a “real poor person” is and extremely simplistic to say that by themselves they can get ahead, when there are situations beyond their reach that contribute to keep people in such disadvantage, such as the policies of a country, the economy, etc., not to mention that in the Middle Ages the situation was much worse than today, so judging by modern standards is out of place.
But what do I know, maybe I’m just condoning poverty 🙄.
Wtf are these comments
Those poors are shit… Useless bastards😒
egotisticals come in all shapes, sizes, forms and economical statuses….. a true poor will ask for a job, an honest pay and a way to climb out on his/her own.
a ego-driven poor will demand the higher ups to carry him/her out of the pit.
Maya Lyir
How to you said that words . That situation make them like that .
Their hope to live theirs life without hungry.