Sickly? Husband’s Contractual Wife - Chapter 107
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Abusive Characters, Adapted to Manhwa, Ambience, Aristocracy, Arranged Marriage, Arrogant Characters, Beautiful Female Lead, Best Manhwa, Changes, Contracts, Death, Different Social Status, Divorce, European, Female Protagonist, First, Handsome Male Lead, Hot manhwa, Love Interest Falls in Love, Manga Trending, marriage, Marriage of Convenience, Misunderstandings, Mob Protagonist, Nobles, Personality, Recommended by teenmanga, Romance, Second Chance, Shameless Protagonist, Siblings, Sickly Characters, Slow, teenmanhua, Thursday, Top 10 Manhwa, Top view, Transmigration, Weak to Strong
It’s funny Veronica is burning to death because that’s exactly what I was rooting for this entire time.
Yeah, its normal for people to pass out like that when they inhale too much smoke. Panicking won’t do anything so just stay calm and take her outside for clean air. If you can get her outside between 2-10 minutes then you can still save her life.
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Calm down she is just unconscious
Because of the lack of oxygen