I get it but I don’t understand why you don’t act more like a doctor and start producing results instead you want to have medicine poured out but how could people who need them know exactly wat to receive if their not diagnoses properly!
I can’t believe the almost drowning scene is not portrayed as scary here coz for me thats hell.. Like nothing happened after that and she’s not traumatized about it??? Also I felt unrealistic about their expressions and everything happened so fast… Yeah I know this is fictional but uhhhg… I felt disappointed each time
Some day I won’t be even surprise if these characters starts walking upside down like some fever dream , because since the author can only write something after getting High on sanitizer.
I get it but I don’t understand why you don’t act more like a doctor and start producing results instead you want to have medicine poured out but how could people who need them know exactly wat to receive if their not diagnoses properly!
I can’t believe the almost drowning scene is not portrayed as scary here coz for me thats hell.. Like nothing happened after that and she’s not traumatized about it??? Also I felt unrealistic about their expressions and everything happened so fast… Yeah I know this is fictional but uhhhg… I felt disappointed each time
i feel the author is a retard and a Masochist
Shiv bhatt
Some day I won’t be even surprise if these characters starts walking upside down like some fever dream , because since the author can only write something after getting High on sanitizer.
So stupid.
Nooo! Don’t go! He will safe you from all danger
Omg wtf kind of logic is that????? I swear if there is a divorce arc in this story😑
How the hell does that even make sense
ugh this is gonna be the death of me