Racoco is right, if anything the king would force all the healers to be under “protection” and they wouldn’t be able to leave the palace unless they got permission from the crown, also, baby making. The healers having more children so the kingdom would have a bigger advantage would ba one of the top priorities
They killed off all the healers years ago and didn’t come up with any medical advancements at all? What a stupid decision by stupid leaders. They said only god has the right to say who lives or dies? Then why do they think they have the right to kill someone, contracting hypocrites. The other reason, killed off because they could potentially make an army too strong, is ridiculous. If I were king you’d have to kill me first before I let go of such an asset to my country.
Padorou san
Pharmacology that fucking subject 💀
NO. THERE IS NO NEED. You can take a one large step back, then another. BACK AWAY FROM YOU IDIOT!!
Racoco is right, if anything the king would force all the healers to be under “protection” and they wouldn’t be able to leave the palace unless they got permission from the crown, also, baby making. The healers having more children so the kingdom would have a bigger advantage would ba one of the top priorities
They killed off all the healers years ago and didn’t come up with any medical advancements at all? What a stupid decision by stupid leaders. They said only god has the right to say who lives or dies? Then why do they think they have the right to kill someone, contracting hypocrites. The other reason, killed off because they could potentially make an army too strong, is ridiculous. If I were king you’d have to kill me first before I let go of such an asset to my country.
Mrs. Gojo
Uhm please don’t say that, it is very weird