Forget loyalty, the girl was a mindless drone that fell for the smallest glint of warm from the prince even if he choked her and she failed at even be smart at her talks with the saintess , I fell sorry for her but she really didn’t make it easy
i get why she’s the way she is but, she’s a mindless and blind fool. there’s no nice way to put it. she sees all the signs that something isn’t right with her masters and instead of taking the initiative to protect the crown, by figuring out what’s wrong and purging it; she just blindlessly follows orders.
Gosh. This girl is so pathetic that it’s sad.
Forget loyalty, the girl was a mindless drone that fell for the smallest glint of warm from the prince even if he choked her and she failed at even be smart at her talks with the saintess , I fell sorry for her but she really didn’t make it easy
i get why she’s the way she is but, she’s a mindless and blind fool. there’s no nice way to put it. she sees all the signs that something isn’t right with her masters and instead of taking the initiative to protect the crown, by figuring out what’s wrong and purging it; she just blindlessly follows orders.
Oof. Just dip. These ppl aren’t worth spit.
Bullsh*t someone trying to kill you this is all a plot to from that side b*tch😡