Like really IMO the prince should back the F up……His reasoning for asking to become his wife is that she just not affraid of his face… really BRUH… dont know anything about her yet
I’m team prince sml I’m rooting for you i know you won’t get picked you aren’t on the cover but I hope he finds his love . He’s so thoughtful, I want my fml to be with someone who only sees her.
I think the Prince would be a great ML but I feel like the other guy is the real ML cause he’s on the cover 😒- I hope I’m wrong though. Every lady seems to hate the Prince because of his face but our FL is the only lady (for now at least) that’s accepting his good personality other than his exterior looks ( which is also good in my opinion- todorki is my bae 😍)
Anyway one of them is going to be disappointed but I hope it’s not the Prince- he’s so sweet 😭
well she got herself in a very bad position , if she end up with the prince , she will be queen wich sucks , plus will not be a easy life and her dream will be left as well , busy all the time , can’t act the way she want , such a boring position , the dragon in another hand , when she die , he will be lost cuz he problably live way more then her life span , and he look like someone with a very high position as well , so duchess or queen is what she will become if she end up with him , in both guys are way more Disadvantages than advantages , i know love change your dreams and priorities , but love is not everything in a relationship .
Like really IMO the prince should back the F up……His reasoning for asking to become his wife is that she just not affraid of his face… really BRUH… dont know anything about her yet
I’m team prince sml I’m rooting for you i know you won’t get picked you aren’t on the cover but I hope he finds his love . He’s so thoughtful, I want my fml to be with someone who only sees her.
i mean 19
Truck sama ~~ where are you :(
I think the Prince would be a great ML but I feel like the other guy is the real ML cause he’s on the cover 😒- I hope I’m wrong though. Every lady seems to hate the Prince because of his face but our FL is the only lady (for now at least) that’s accepting his good personality other than his exterior looks ( which is also good in my opinion- todorki is my bae 😍)
Anyway one of them is going to be disappointed but I hope it’s not the Prince- he’s so sweet 😭
Alexandre Schihann
well she got herself in a very bad position , if she end up with the prince , she will be queen wich sucks , plus will not be a easy life and her dream will be left as well , busy all the time , can’t act the way she want , such a boring position , the dragon in another hand , when she die , he will be lost cuz he problably live way more then her life span , and he look like someone with a very high position as well , so duchess or queen is what she will become if she end up with him , in both guys are way more Disadvantages than advantages , i know love change your dreams and priorities , but love is not everything in a relationship .
?!?! Bro call down