I hated serena cause she was childish and never got anything done (she was all bark and no bite), but I’m liking the character development.
Hope to see more of it
I swear the people who hate Serena annoy me. Are we not reading the same thing? Like y’all hate her for being a cheater but she was forced into the marriage she didn’t want with someone she already hated. And to boot, she deadass thought he was trying to secretly murder her like tf
Cheating cannot be justified under any circumstances, will you willing to have a spouse who shares his/her bedroom for physical relationship with someone else just because she/he misunderstood you for emotional support. But you are totally fine working for her family for years. I know if there was a male here you will also be in same pace as others.I know character development is a thing but that is not for serena but she is arrogant as ever. I m just here for Eiser POV wishing for him to complete his purpose and leave SERENITY for good. I think you might have understood the reason of hate for serena.
I still don’t understand to people who hate her just because her relationship with Fred, like eiser is in the wrong too, o can see why Serena despite eiser after listening to eiser call saying will kill her like who not terified? And Serena chara development is just amazing
Before she was a bitch know she is a Queen 👸 I hope she keeps up this pace and doesn’t fall off later. 👍👍👍👍
For those who hated serena for bring a snob, jokes on u see what she has become
serena was childish and never got anything done (she was all bark and no bite), but I’m liking the character development.
Hope to see more of it
I hated serena cause she was childish and never got anything done (she was all bark and no bite), but I’m liking the character development.
Hope to see more of it
I only hated serena cause she was childish and never got anything done (she was all bark and no bite), but I’m liking the character development
I swear the people who hate Serena annoy me. Are we not reading the same thing? Like y’all hate her for being a cheater but she was forced into the marriage she didn’t want with someone she already hated. And to boot, she deadass thought he was trying to secretly murder her like tf
Cheating cannot be justified under any circumstances, will you willing to have a spouse who shares his/her bedroom for physical relationship with someone else just because she/he misunderstood you for emotional support. But you are totally fine working for her family for years. I know if there was a male here you will also be in same pace as others.I know character development is a thing but that is not for serena but she is arrogant as ever. I m just here for Eiser POV wishing for him to complete his purpose and leave SERENITY for good. I think you might have understood the reason of hate for serena.
I still don’t understand to people who hate her just because her relationship with Fred, like eiser is in the wrong too, o can see why Serena despite eiser after listening to eiser call saying will kill her like who not terified? And Serena chara development is just amazing