This is chp debunked the “ml is a pushover” allegation amongst the other parts. Mr. Jackson right over there probably disregard eiser attributes and effort, only selena hold the power and eiser is following beck and call from selena which trigger eiser. Eiser is a rational and objective person, he doesn’t say more than necessary and pay no heed to other public opinion except one that benefit his objective, conflict his self-esteem and personal value. I personally dislike selena personality.
BRO YALL BE QUEIT . IF I was selen , I would’ve ran off and lived off somewhere else with the hot guy.HER husband knows what she went through but still made her suffer even MOREEE
This is chp debunked the “ml is a pushover” allegation amongst the other parts. Mr. Jackson right over there probably disregard eiser attributes and effort, only selena hold the power and eiser is following beck and call from selena which trigger eiser. Eiser is a rational and objective person, he doesn’t say more than necessary and pay no heed to other public opinion except one that benefit his objective, conflict his self-esteem and personal value. I personally dislike selena personality.
Wow the best husband award hoes yo yhis guy. If only these two had better communication then there would be no need for that lover.
BRO YALL BE QUEIT . IF I was selen , I would’ve ran off and lived off somewhere else with the hot guy.HER husband knows what she went through but still made her suffer even MOREEE
Cousin moo
Aww husband take me i wont be arrogant as her
Oh my … 😍 her husband actually cares about her