It’s really poetic, a Geis is stronger then a promise, marriage vow or oath and stories like to portray it as a fae trick but I think in this case he did it to be able to always keep her in his heart so that he didn’t have to let her go completely. It’s really beautiful and well done
This oath is better than saying I love you.
This pain~~
It’s really poetic, a Geis is stronger then a promise, marriage vow or oath and stories like to portray it as a fae trick but I think in this case he did it to be able to always keep her in his heart so that he didn’t have to let her go completely. It’s really beautiful and well done
They really don’t have a choice
Can somebody explain why he made an oath to her or something? I’m so dumb
I’m crying
This is so painful, if he tell how much he loves her, she can get hurt or die.
To die for love, it’s indeed a poetic death!
HUH WHY (I haven’t read this for the past 2 months)