the bewitched nobles and herman is a bit dumb cause it just feels like he was speared cause he knew the imperial family personally. The nobles were bewitched so how is that their fault??
Ok, putting the witch aside as she is of a different case….🙄
But that Herman guy…💢😡…he should be the one who be punished to death…..hahh..😒 ….it didn’t justify anything for all the stupid things he did for the so called ‘love’ of his💢
Why is this Herman b… alive? He was the biggest contributor to the rebellion and he didn’t even had any real reason for it. He should be hanging for the audience too witness.
the bewitched nobles and herman is a bit dumb cause it just feels like he was speared cause he knew the imperial family personally. The nobles were bewitched so how is that their fault??
Ok, putting the witch aside as she is of a different case….🙄
But that Herman guy…💢😡…he should be the one who be punished to death…..hahh..😒 ….it didn’t justify anything for all the stupid things he did for the so called ‘love’ of his💢
Why is this Herman b… alive? He was the biggest contributor to the rebellion and he didn’t even had any real reason for it. He should be hanging for the audience too witness.
The end is coming and only now am I realizing how much Una looks like yashiro lol.
I can really see the end nearing 🥹🥹