ye what happened to her was wrong but doesn’t justify her killing n number of people and possible outcome of killing fl and her brother what’s their
if she was innocent victim
so r everyone who r and were ded or killed by her
no I don’t feel sorry thr person that betrayed u is different not the one u wanna kill
Um. Wow, I can tell that there are a lot of young people in the comment section. It’s all right to feel sorry for her but that doesn’t excuse her actions! It doesn’t excuse that she orchestrated the death of untold numbers of people because ONE man betrayed her.
What he did SEEMS horrible, BUT he wasn’t wrong though. People are seeing it through the lens of “romanticism” and not the “ugly truth”. Due to a mage falling in love with one man, he was given wonderful abilities. Who was to say what would happen if another mage fell in love with a truly EVIL man? Yeah. Something only seen in nightmares. There was undoubtedly a better way to go about things and he didn’t have to kill all mages, but what does one do in a situation like that?
I am not saying he wasn’t horrible for what he did. Yes, he was. But since when does two wrongs make a right? He used her and destroyed her tribe. Soooooooo… she turns around and destroys his descendants who had nothing to do with it AND other innocent people.
I feel so sorry for her ….. Now I don’t know how should I react against her …. it’s so sad 🥺….
I guess I really am starting to love her … although I love fl too
Let that be a lesson that *most* Meh-n are ungrateful and will hurt you and STILL find a way to say they love you and they were forced into it like he’s a victim not the beneficiary
Kinda wish she could go back in time and get revenge on the REAL villain who made her life a living hell, instead of targeting his descendants👀 but then again, I sort of understand her reasonings way better now.
No wonder FL wanted to destroy the first emperor’s diary after reading the contents, she likely also sympathised with the poor mage🤣
I could never imagine that some day I would come to like her… I feel her. I hope she finds a better way to get her revenge on the first king… it’s not enough to just destroy this country. I encourage her and I’m sure regina would do the same!
What I don’t get it, why she is not talking to Regina, she would fully understand. I know her situation is horrible! But why not fryp talking…? The familie has nothing to do with the thinks that append ages ago 🙁
I feel sad for her
This page makes me so sad
ugh I was binging and realized I came to the end
She didn’t have to cross THAT path though
They are both terrible
ye what happened to her was wrong but doesn’t justify her killing n number of people and possible outcome of killing fl and her brother what’s their
if she was innocent victim
so r everyone who r and were ded or killed by her
no I don’t feel sorry thr person that betrayed u is different not the one u wanna kill
Not all men are the same for her to get her revenge
Um. Wow, I can tell that there are a lot of young people in the comment section. It’s all right to feel sorry for her but that doesn’t excuse her actions! It doesn’t excuse that she orchestrated the death of untold numbers of people because ONE man betrayed her.
What he did SEEMS horrible, BUT he wasn’t wrong though. People are seeing it through the lens of “romanticism” and not the “ugly truth”. Due to a mage falling in love with one man, he was given wonderful abilities. Who was to say what would happen if another mage fell in love with a truly EVIL man? Yeah. Something only seen in nightmares. There was undoubtedly a better way to go about things and he didn’t have to kill all mages, but what does one do in a situation like that?
I am not saying he wasn’t horrible for what he did. Yes, he was. But since when does two wrongs make a right? He used her and destroyed her tribe. Soooooooo… she turns around and destroys his descendants who had nothing to do with it AND other innocent people.
In my book, they are both equally monsters.
Maaaan… I feel sorry for her but damn
She went through a lot. After this, I just hope somehow all these become known to the people.
Eleuia Hyung
I feel so sorry for her ….. Now I don’t know how should I react against her …. it’s so sad 🥺….
I guess I really am starting to love her … although I love fl too
Let that be a lesson that *most* Meh-n are ungrateful and will hurt you and STILL find a way to say they love you and they were forced into it like he’s a victim not the beneficiary
Kinda wish she could go back in time and get revenge on the REAL villain who made her life a living hell, instead of targeting his descendants👀 but then again, I sort of understand her reasonings way better now.
No wonder FL wanted to destroy the first emperor’s diary after reading the contents, she likely also sympathised with the poor mage🤣
I could never imagine that some day I would come to like her… I feel her. I hope she finds a better way to get her revenge on the first king… it’s not enough to just destroy this country. I encourage her and I’m sure regina would do the same!
Anecy Scarlet
What I don’t get it, why she is not talking to Regina, she would fully understand. I know her situation is horrible! But why not fryp talking…? The familie has nothing to do with the thinks that append ages ago 🙁
She definitely has a reason to be mad I feel bad for her
Doesn’t change the fact that she’s still a bit*h tho
Guess who
The first emperor of this story = trash🗑🚮
Spring and Summer
Damn, I like her. She has every right to be furious
well this story is about the princess but if i was her i would want to destroy what i made from the start with its all too
Yunie Yun
I totally understand her the first emperor was literally the definition of trash