The emperor should go to hell. I wish she didn’t have to save him, . But as she said before, an arbitrary emperor I’d better than a spoiled one. Since this appears to be the typical ruling system, the only way she can rule is if something happens to her father or brother that prevents them from ruling. But even if there wasn’t a system like that implemented, it wouldn’t be a good idea for her to rule since she undergone a lot of stress doing it in her previous life. So I guess this is the best option?
Now I see why she didnt mention saving her father in the first chapter. Also it’s the 2nd prince’s coming of age/coronation ceremony and this duke just walks up and beheads him in front of everyone? There had to have been knights there protecting the royal family? But he clearly gets away somehow because she meets him on the battle field some time later… but why didnt he just kill the both of them right there? how did he get out of that castle unharmed? Even if his family rivals hers and he filled the castle with his people she also had her own people that died for her and fought along side her against him. I’d like to see how he was able to leave after the murder
I know right.?? But considering that the emperor died early while the pampered son live a life of a trash with no concern of palace duties,I believe the assassination will surely succeed. Who’re ( knights) in their right minds want to serve a pampered palace ass whose pleasure depends on wasting money and enjoying himself ????in short their reign is weak compared to the duke
Wow, there is so much going on in just 2 chapters…
Honestly if my girl is the only competent ruler, she should have kept that position somehow. Why doesn’t she just keep the empress position in this life? It would be better for everyone.
Also, wow another mother dead and a father that can’t even be called a “father”…
Let’s see how this is going…
@RavenJovan Exactly What I was thinking ^^
I think MC is in shock bc she’s not making sense
uhh hold up a second… your plan is what?
Reader is L
I’m sorry, what? 😶
-_- really bitch? THATS your plan?
So many words they could’ve used instead of “sucker”.. wastrel, spendthrift, foolhardy, squanderer, prodigal son?? I mean, c’mon?!
The emperor should go to hell. I wish she didn’t have to save him, . But as she said before, an arbitrary emperor I’d better than a spoiled one. Since this appears to be the typical ruling system, the only way she can rule is if something happens to her father or brother that prevents them from ruling. But even if there wasn’t a system like that implemented, it wouldn’t be a good idea for her to rule since she undergone a lot of stress doing it in her previous life. So I guess this is the best option?
Um what??
Now I see why she didnt mention saving her father in the first chapter. Also it’s the 2nd prince’s coming of age/coronation ceremony and this duke just walks up and beheads him in front of everyone? There had to have been knights there protecting the royal family? But he clearly gets away somehow because she meets him on the battle field some time later… but why didnt he just kill the both of them right there? how did he get out of that castle unharmed? Even if his family rivals hers and he filled the castle with his people she also had her own people that died for her and fought along side her against him. I’d like to see how he was able to leave after the murder
I know right.?? But considering that the emperor died early while the pampered son live a life of a trash with no concern of palace duties,I believe the assassination will surely succeed. Who’re ( knights) in their right minds want to serve a pampered palace ass whose pleasure depends on wasting money and enjoying himself ????in short their reign is weak compared to the duke
Spring and Summer
Wow, there is so much going on in just 2 chapters…
Honestly if my girl is the only competent ruler, she should have kept that position somehow. Why doesn’t she just keep the empress position in this life? It would be better for everyone.
Also, wow another mother dead and a father that can’t even be called a “father”…
Let’s see how this is going…
I think she can’t cuz of imperial law, it’s normal that in royal families (and nobles) the man is the one that gets the title