She (the Korean girl) got abused by her dad (that’s why her mom left). And she just got pulled back into her trauma because her “new dad” was shouting at her. Even though he just really loves her and was just angry at the words she said. Anyways I hope those 3 bitches get stitches.
…….what just happened?
The second kid looking kinda suspiciously though?what’s with his gaze?
I also don’t get why anything would be soleia’s fault,She is the only biological child,but why is that her fault?Usually people hate on the adopted children,Which I mean I guess they are but why soleia?I feel so bad for OG soleia,She blamed herself at everything,thought no one cared for her and hid herself away but she was just getting manupliated and lied to.
The trauma of someone yelling in your face is something that never goes away. I know I get teary when anyone yells at me now
Powerful trauma at work here. Hope she will manage to tell them about it at some stage.
Im ok if they develop feelings for her. But I loved when she asked if caught the feels for her
The trauma bro
Ah so none of the brothers are related by blood got it but dang I feel so bad for her trauma is very powerful I hope she will get better
Lloyed Frontera
Poor girl😫
She (the Korean girl) got abused by her dad (that’s why her mom left). And she just got pulled back into her trauma because her “new dad” was shouting at her. Even though he just really loves her and was just angry at the words she said. Anyways I hope those 3 bitches get stitches.
She is suffering from the trauma of her past life.
…….what just happened?
The second kid looking kinda suspiciously though?what’s with his gaze?
I also don’t get why anything would be soleia’s fault,She is the only biological child,but why is that her fault?Usually people hate on the adopted children,Which I mean I guess they are but why soleia?I feel so bad for OG soleia,She blamed herself at everything,thought no one cared for her and hid herself away but she was just getting manupliated and lied to.