Please please save the baby,and kill that fucking bastard instead…like why she is innocent..I swear everyone of us will be so damn happy, no one will feel bad for the ml not in this manhwa…stupid, I have never been this furious before reading a manhwa…I still hope this is else’s nightmare,nothing else,poor hermie
She should kill herself in front of her!
What is the point of living now!
Whatever life they build after this it is not worth it!
She should not forgive him!
Why the author wants them together?
Sick, psychopath author
While its heartbreaking and can never be healed 😢😢 I hope at least that wench gets what she deserves 😡😡
That bastard! Poor Hermie☹️
Please please save the baby,and kill that fucking bastard instead…like why she is innocent..I swear everyone of us will be so damn happy, no one will feel bad for the ml not in this manhwa…stupid, I have never been this furious before reading a manhwa…I still hope this is else’s nightmare,nothing else,poor hermie
[email protected]
She should kill herself in front of her!
What is the point of living now!
Whatever life they build after this it is not worth it!
She should not forgive him!
Why the author wants them together?
Sick, psychopath author
[email protected]
I meant infront of him.
Please, rewind time!!!!! Please, save the baby!!