I can’t even, it’s like she’s in a story of her own. She’s so blind as to what’s going on around her and seems quite confident in her assumptions. She’s super annoying. Also, didn’t Sena come to get a signature for her school or something? When is she going to go back?
Guys am making a group for all manhwa lovers in discord tell me your username and I will add you and please spread the message so we can all share our interest and recommendations for something new please write ✍️ your usernames down here ? ? please guys help me achieve this goal ? ? ☺️ ? ? ?
Bitch who do u think u r? u’re just a nuissance for them, they be treating u with utter disgust and looking at you with annoyance, can’t u take a clue? u’re embarrassing urself geez, u’re getting into my nerves
Is it just me or does the last panel read like a random request for a hostage situation. Give us the views and we’ll release the hostage I mean chapter
she’s REAL dumb for trying to have such a pompous attitude towards the Francis family when she has yet to become apart of it. She’s so overly familiar that it’s real cringe to watch. Glad that pops went ahead and reminded her that her arrogance hasn’t gone unnoticed by anyone in the family.
finally, this girl is a whole other level of annoying. It’s funny though, she’s thinks she so smart with her words but her father and brother clearly see what she’s doing. Cant wait for her to be told she absolutely not becoming a part of their family
Tsundere alert
Si anying songong benerr
i need to take this lily girl and throw her into the trash, right where she belongs
I can’t even, it’s like she’s in a story of her own. She’s so blind as to what’s going on around her and seems quite confident in her assumptions. She’s super annoying. Also, didn’t Sena come to get a signature for her school or something? When is she going to go back?
Reap what you sow…
Guys am making a group for all manhwa lovers in discord tell me your username and I will add you and please spread the message so we can all share our interest and recommendations for something new please write ✍️ your usernames down here ? ? please guys help me achieve this goal ? ? ☺️ ? ? ?
Bitch who do u think u r? u’re just a nuissance for them, they be treating u with utter disgust and looking at you with annoyance, can’t u take a clue? u’re embarrassing urself geez, u’re getting into my nerves
please a new chapter. I want to see that b*tch get what she deserves
Godd - damitD
LOL you think you can manipulate them?? They are a fool when it comes to Senna ?
Yay! They finally taking her side and will throw out the queens people ?
Lily’s disgusting
Dude this is Arena scans work at least have the decency of not deleting the part where it shows the translator credit…shame on you Harimanga
This little bitch. I hope she falls off a cliff!
Come on Harimanga, i like reading on this site but you can at least show the one translating the actual chapters. This is on arenascans.
Is it just me or does the last panel read like a random request for a hostage situation. Give us the views and we’ll release the hostage I mean chapter
Spring and Summer
Who was this girl again??? But yeah, I’m amazed she wasn’t kicked out of the house earlier.
she’s REAL dumb for trying to have such a pompous attitude towards the Francis family when she has yet to become apart of it. She’s so overly familiar that it’s real cringe to watch. Glad that pops went ahead and reminded her that her arrogance hasn’t gone unnoticed by anyone in the family.
finally, this girl is a whole other level of annoying. It’s funny though, she’s thinks she so smart with her words but her father and brother clearly see what she’s doing. Cant wait for her to be told she absolutely not becoming a part of their family
Vasha 11
What with that girl !!!!?? So annoying ?