The black-haired guy looks awfully like the king if Rotar!! Those priests where qondering whether it was a mere coincidence that the knox were foing to ‘the cursed rotat royal family’!! And ut seemed like they surely knew about her and wanted to use her as a remedy for their own problem.
So if he really is the king, spying while mingling among the preists was how he came to know about her.
Though I sure hope my speculation is all wrong. That would worsen her situation, putting her in a greater denger unless the king falls for her or something.
The black-haired guy looks awfully like the king if Rotar!! Those priests where qondering whether it was a mere coincidence that the knox were foing to ‘the cursed rotat royal family’!! And ut seemed like they surely knew about her and wanted to use her as a remedy for their own problem.
So if he really is the king, spying while mingling among the preists was how he came to know about her.
Though I sure hope my speculation is all wrong. That would worsen her situation, putting her in a greater denger unless the king falls for her or something.