I find the FL strangely stupid when it comes to Elma! Like, you idiot is getting along just find with everyone else the moment you set your mind on it, even with your horrible fiance!! What is it that you have only shunned this lottle angle even while knowing she was the only one on Albertina’s side!!? WTF!?
She even notices the stepmother and analyzes her character, why is she totally blind when it comes to Elma!? There is a serious problem here, wheather it is with the author for the poor character-development or FL’s mental issues, I can’t tell! But the problem is dead-serious!
Guys, no kidding but as u see in the summery , elma gonna “step on”( provably somethibg like backstabbing) the fl, so is it only me who’s only sussing her and probably the fiance? Like fr ur going to meet ur fiance but why looking for her maid?
Is elma a boy
what even is happening???? Who’s elma and why is she like that tho? And whats a tineke
I find the FL strangely stupid when it comes to Elma! Like, you idiot is getting along just find with everyone else the moment you set your mind on it, even with your horrible fiance!! What is it that you have only shunned this lottle angle even while knowing she was the only one on Albertina’s side!!? WTF!?
She even notices the stepmother and analyzes her character, why is she totally blind when it comes to Elma!? There is a serious problem here, wheather it is with the author for the poor character-development or FL’s mental issues, I can’t tell! But the problem is dead-serious!
Guys, no kidding but as u see in the summery , elma gonna “step on”( provably somethibg like backstabbing) the fl, so is it only me who’s only sussing her and probably the fiance? Like fr ur going to meet ur fiance but why looking for her maid?
Translation is slipping, wording is off and a name change. Uhhgg
Rain Trevil
NUUUUUU idk if harimanga will pick this up gain. I hope so :<
This is sad. I hope she decides to take elma with her. I wouldn’t be surprised if that mansion was crawling with evil spirits
I feel so sorry for the Elma???????i wishh fl loves her back again
@keiren IKR
its heart breaking!