Guys… The wine had something in it. The original plan was that she would take it, cheat, and they’re free to ruin the Bogart family while taking all the money from them. The Mistress actually helped her
Hahaha mga palamunin tas ang yayabang wtf..
The royal family are so stupid they didn’t even think that at this point they are nothing.. if Rosalyn decides to take over the throne I wish she would behead these mf one by one especially that ugly ass queen..
Came from another website but couldn’t bare with the fact that there were no comments>.<
If the brother is so desperate for money why didn’t he just go to his f*cking mother
Guys… The wine had something in it. The original plan was that she would take it, cheat, and they’re free to ruin the Bogart family while taking all the money from them. The Mistress actually helped her
these people clearly do not understand how money works
Dumb asses. The lot of them.
Hahaha mga palamunin tas ang yayabang wtf..
The royal family are so stupid they didn’t even think that at this point they are nothing.. if Rosalyn decides to take over the throne I wish she would behead these mf one by one especially that ugly ass queen..
Lol I can not withbthe royal family. They’re ducking stupid.😒🤦🏽♀️
The arrogance, it’s laughable.
Speak of d bitch of a dog that doesnt know her kennel was provided by the bogarts.
Your mine
Go rosalyn 💪🏻.. they still think that they are superior, but They are just royals in name now😏🙄