Never have I been this enraged. That HORRIBLE, FREAKING (F-ING) LAWYER!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
What do you mean You wanted to pay her back for the hurt she inflicted on you??? What hurt??? For making you realise you have feelings for her? What kind of hurt is that??
The f????
He better not be the ML. He shouldn’t even be a milestone before the FL ends up with the actual ML. He should F off and away from the FL 😒😒😒
ewww the lawyer got more screentime than the FL, WHYYYY LIKE I DONT GIVE A DAMN IF HE’S REPENTING. He can eat shit for his whole life and repent for all i care. His apology wont change that his dumb coward bitch ass led her go thru hell
Guys, this is not the lawyer’s fault..
Whoever framed her is the real bitch…
Either way, would u not be angry as him if ur wife/husband cheated on u with like 100 other people?
As well as that there was “evidence”, how was the lawyer supposed to know that it was fake?
(But I still want Luce and Sasha to be together!!!)
Never have I been this enraged. That HORRIBLE, FREAKING (F-ING) LAWYER!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
What do you mean You wanted to pay her back for the hurt she inflicted on you??? What hurt??? For making you realise you have feelings for her? What kind of hurt is that??
The f????
He better not be the ML. He shouldn’t even be a milestone before the FL ends up with the actual ML. He should F off and away from the FL 😒😒😒
The lawyer’s license should be revoked and he should go to jail for failing to do his job and emotional trauma.
ewww the lawyer got more screentime than the FL, WHYYYY LIKE I DONT GIVE A DAMN IF HE’S REPENTING. He can eat shit for his whole life and repent for all i care. His apology wont change that his dumb coward bitch ass led her go thru hell
The cry she had was well deserved.
For real that lawyer is gross
Glad the truth is out. But that bastard better stay away from her 🤬🤬