Hmmp girl wrong moved to be so dumb you’re puting your own safety at risk maybe on danger by carelessly saying those words or admitting the fact that you’re not yet mates girl White king doing all his best to protect you and saying your mates was one of the way to protect you even thought he already likes you… Be mindful and think twice you just met and got acquaintance in just a days your trusting that girl already. =_=
The frost wolf is so annoying
ok.. but wolf king is kinda hot……………………..
Hmmp girl wrong moved to be so dumb you’re puting your own safety at risk maybe on danger by carelessly saying those words or admitting the fact that you’re not yet mates girl White king doing all his best to protect you and saying your mates was one of the way to protect you even thought he already likes you… Be mindful and think twice you just met and got acquaintance in just a days your trusting that girl already. =_=