That little twerp if I was her imma kick him out with his little twerp gift. If you’re so rich then repay the amount she got scammed out of. A box of macaroons isn’t worth the cafes expansion fees
Honestly if I were her I would still kick him out regardless of what bribe he gives me..
His father wants to kill him for letting him be scammed and letting his uncle escape.
Her family is suffering because of her uncle so this is not a winwin situation..
She’s simply a stepping stone for his plans and that does not help her or her family with anything..
It sure is frustrating if am in this situation..
I could never kick him out
he knows how to please her sigh
unforchunetly i dont agree with kicking him out cuz hes cute :3
That little twerp if I was her imma kick him out with his little twerp gift. If you’re so rich then repay the amount she got scammed out of. A box of macaroons isn’t worth the cafes expansion fees
Honestly if I were her I would still kick him out regardless of what bribe he gives me..
His father wants to kill him for letting him be scammed and letting his uncle escape.
Her family is suffering because of her uncle so this is not a winwin situation..
She’s simply a stepping stone for his plans and that does not help her or her family with anything..
It sure is frustrating if am in this situation..
Ship is built! Ready to set sail!