k11182, youre right.. his existence was already sepcial as that godsand the unknown civilization cannot interfere with the world hence they have saints/divine cadres to do their bidding.. gyeon in the other hand was reborn the physical embodiment of the 13th god ophiucus hence he had more stigma and power than anyone.. honestly questionsble plausibility then if u ask me but since libra user the powrr of other gods plus opened a gate for the unknown civilization the plausibility limit mightbhave been increased to balance it out
I asume he didnt just lift penalty of 50% cap. He propably also lifted limiter. Besides he is different from other saints right ? I mean most of them just borrow power from they household gods. Libra was different in that she was ben bestoved with more power, like becoming vesel for a god. But he is like reborn Ophiuchus. He is not just some vesel ,avar or saint, he is just a God who is reborn thats why he dosnt have his full power. And aside from that, due to changes in world (bad ones) did You noticed more and more people get more “spiritual” and we hear more about 13then month/zodiac and soo on ? I know it may sounds funny but lets face it, we all propably read tenths of mangas with this kind of plot, isekai, where main character is transported somewhere else, she/he thinks this i novel she reads and later its reveled thats its not novel but real world she should live but novel was just a key to coming back.
k11182, youre right.. his existence was already sepcial as that godsand the unknown civilization cannot interfere with the world hence they have saints/divine cadres to do their bidding.. gyeon in the other hand was reborn the physical embodiment of the 13th god ophiucus hence he had more stigma and power than anyone.. honestly questionsble plausibility then if u ask me but since libra user the powrr of other gods plus opened a gate for the unknown civilization the plausibility limit mightbhave been increased to balance it out
I asume he didnt just lift penalty of 50% cap. He propably also lifted limiter. Besides he is different from other saints right ? I mean most of them just borrow power from they household gods. Libra was different in that she was ben bestoved with more power, like becoming vesel for a god. But he is like reborn Ophiuchus. He is not just some vesel ,avar or saint, he is just a God who is reborn thats why he dosnt have his full power. And aside from that, due to changes in world (bad ones) did You noticed more and more people get more “spiritual” and we hear more about 13then month/zodiac and soo on ? I know it may sounds funny but lets face it, we all propably read tenths of mangas with this kind of plot, isekai, where main character is transported somewhere else, she/he thinks this i novel she reads and later its reveled thats its not novel but real world she should live but novel was just a key to coming back.
Looking forward to the next chapter
Lit Milk
Left us with a cliffhanger Dang it