@Lianna00…..actually, you might not enjoy meeting Fran page….I will not explain bc some people get rabid if thy think someone dropped spoilers…..but all I will say is that Fran Page is kinda 😑
I can’t wait. Ragnar’s depressing face is just beautiful. I hope that Ian’s father Will show up and be a powerful mage. That is what we can call revenge
Ian will probably fake his loyalty to trap him into something big so he get killed
That why he said treason
I’m still waiting for ian dad to appear if hes powerful mage he might show up
@Lianna00…..actually, you might not enjoy meeting Fran page….I will not explain bc some people get rabid if thy think someone dropped spoilers…..but all I will say is that Fran Page is kinda 😑
He’s saying treason cause he swore an oath to Ragnar in his previous life that still holds true to him
What do you mean treason, babe?
His depressed face is so hot, stop- Like? You can literally cry and I’ll still be here blushin
I can’t wait. Ragnar’s depressing face is just beautiful. I hope that Ian’s father Will show up and be a powerful mage. That is what we can call revenge
anonomyus 1412
Thank you for all the hard work. I am eagerly waiting for the next chapter update!
Ian will probably fake his loyalty to trap him into something big so he get killed
That why he said treason
I’m still waiting for ian dad to appear if hes powerful mage he might show up
gurl, yesss, u smart asff, mwa