Remarried Empress - Chapter 60
You don't have anything in histories
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who would want to marry him AGAIN?? 🤢
how would he know if she’s infertile or not if they didn’t even do it for a LONG time?
60 chapters in and we’re still on this damned flashback? This is beyond ridiculous.
He is a horrible emperor.
He is thinking of divorcing Navier without consulting her about it first, he only cares for himself and for the fake @ss Trashta, who already has a child but hid the fact from soviesh*t-
They both balance each other out with how bad of rulers they are(or will be in Trashta’s case).
Man… I swear he is the WORST emperor. I thought that he was just an idiot because of choosing Trash over treasure but now he’s literally just using them! WHAT A F*CKING ASSH*LE!!!