Remarried Empress - Chapter 4
You don't have anything in histories
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i am going to use truck-kun on one of you to go kill all of the trash in this story *”*
Filthy emperor 🗑️🗑️
I just want to go in this manga and slap these two pieces of shit
and kick them between the legs
Some things wrong with that bitch it’s like she drugged him .
i just got the ick! ick ick
Kill him.
I just got the ick bro.
What a shit emperor, die u motherf*cker
how can a peace of shit be compared to the empress ? >:(
Rereading this…just 2 chapter and my blood is already boiling again…I can feel the authors emotion and hatred to someone in making this novel😆😆😆 now thinking of skipping a few chapters and find the chapter where I left off
1) Her Majesty is not going overboard in this situation. Typical man trying to downplay a woman’s distress. If anyone went overboard, it is him with an extreme punishment over an “injured” girl who has no class and manners and shouldn’t even be outside if she is injured.
2) He called Her Majesty there to argue. He’s the one who started that conversation confrontational and critical of her grace. Projecting his actions upon the other party just properly explaining her situation is not HER arguing back.
Fellow readers, do never settle for such trash. You deserve much better, as does Her Majesty.
I can’t wait for him to crumble learning the truth and seeing the empress happy with another man
Dont mind me just simping
What a fcking bitch, nakakagigil kana agad ateh Gurl:)
Yong Hee Choi
Ahhh, I feel bad for shit to be compared to her. She is worse than shit. Poor shit.
Lol that’s why men can be easily manipulated by cunning women HAHAHA just showing him that she needs him or she is a damsel in distress feeds their ego and makes them feel stronger, powerful or in control. Tsk ?
Athena Yural
Ohhhhh I see she’s a piece of shit