Remarried Empress - Chapter 208
You don't have anything in histories
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Knowing how things will end is probably the only reason why I’m not 100% pissed about Sovieshit taking up most of the screen time recently(I’m still pissed tho- I wanna see the little birds like rn)
He might be thinking that if he can prove that Henry was thw cause of thw decline in mages that he can use that to get Nav to turn on him. But little does he know Nav already knows. She is not stupid like he is
He’s crazy why is he still alive fucking god this story is starting to piss me off so bad now like just remove this dude I can’t with this garbage
Who asked? No one cares about your woes shitshoe
oh my god get this man off my screen
“I finally understand”, considering it’s been over 200 chapters and the main conflict is still basically the same, you have learned nothing. No one has actually, like, just assassinate shovishit already and live happily ever after.
He’s disgusting. Seriously I have enough of him :/
Man I feel so bad for Sovishits secretary. (His name escapes me ATM) but he has the look that says “I’m not getting paid enough for this….”
Why is his visit becoming so long? Just tell him to f off already.
Can someone just kill him already