Remarried Empress - Chapter 20
You don't have anything in histories
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YESS trahta is a b word, it’s mostly the kings fault… BROOOO YOU HAVE A WIFE, A BEAUTIFUL, SMART, PERFECT WIFFEEEE
I get why trashta would want to get closer to someone of high power to…not be a slave anymore………BUT SHE’S ALSO BEING CRAZY ABOUT IT….like the KING……..he’s ALREADY IN A MARRIAGE….. but it’s mostly the kings fault
yeah like I don’t get why he says shes gonna be a concubine because if you think a bout it concubine is the same thing as lover. the king is such a h*e
yes. foreigners are my type.
What do you mean, “are foreigners your type?” BITCH YOU’RE FUCKING A WHOLE DIFFERENT PERSON, LETTING HER STEP ABOVE HER RANKING UNCHECKED, AND DISRESPECTING EVEN THE FRIENDSHIP YOU’VE HAD WITH YOUR WIFE YOUR ENTIRE LIFE!!! *clear throat* Im sorry for yelling, what I meant to say was, “you’s a whole bitch huh? Suffer.”
Bro is acting jealous when he’s a freaking cheater, die!
I would say “HELL YES, they’re better then your sorry ass”
Im ur misconception
Ah, I forgot what level of Shoshisvu can be. A double standard kind of guy. Though reading the manga after what is out for the Web Novel, they are adhering to the WN pretty well..
Yong Hee Choi
So, what if foreigners are her type? She has a right to cheat openly, after all, you did the same and even paraded your lovely (obviously disgusting) Trashta around.
Searching for love
Yeah, i admit it, but i’m also happy when i see duke kafman or the empress’ maids. I’m just angry whenever i see the couple of trash
Athena Yural
Tf bro, who do you are to say that in front of our queen….?!
gosh… did he actually just say that in the end? I mean, I knew he’s up to no good but still…
Please give me a reason to stay tolerant by that foolish king and that no class concubine ??(TBH she’s the only slave I knew who doesn’t respect those above her)
And how much more chapter should we endure that filthy slave ??