Remarried Empress - Chapter 2
You don't have anything in histories
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slutty girl
Slutty ass bitch
this son a bish emperor and this slutty ass dog of a slave can have each other I support them fully
bleep sighted
I already hate her
Here comes the slutty bitch
“hello there ” ? just who do you think you are talking to ?!?! Thrasha b*tch !!!
Fucking stupid trashta bish!!!!
DAAAAANG these comments r so FIRE!
[email protected]
Ain’t no way that’s how she greets the empress
Yong Hee Choi
“Hello There!”
Well, hello there, you shitty, disgusting, slutty, two faced, motherfucking bitch.
Athena Yural
No! Don’t get fooled that bitch is a piece of shit