Remarried Empress - Chapter 190
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It doesn’t sit right with me that she is the only one suffering I mean the emperor is more to be blamed for the divorce and having an affair, she was an poor orphan ofc she would crave power (not justifying her just think emperor should’ve been in the prison for life too)
Though she is pitiful. She did bad things so she deserve this. But those little kids hope they will put them in Queen sponsored orphanage. And above all it’s all Emperors fault from the beginning.
I think Duke Ergi have something to do with the Emperor he had grudge on imperial family although, Navier is exception because she Henry’s wife now. And Henry is his friend.
honestly, Rashta did a lot of bad things. but I’ve realized that Sovieshu purposefully kept her ignorant and powerless so he could control her better. she sensed this and fought against that powerlessness. she chose all the wrong methods to do so, and that is on her. but I’m not absolving Sovieshu of his hand in this tragedy. Rashta didn’t deserve this punishment, she only got it cuz Sovieshu is trying like hell to cover his tracks so no one knows what a bumbling fool he’s really been this whole time
Oh! when are we going to see heinry and navier
Rashta was stupid ignorant woman that is why she was used by everyone but she is not as bad as you make her guys she was slave and just become empress she faced the malice of her position and as she deserved punishment that was not the punishment she deserved life imprisonment is not for her I don’t care whatever opinion you might have but I for surely didn’t like nor it was right what you did to navier and you should have been immigrated after five years of imprisonment, but the bastard soviesh he kept nor navier nor rashta and whatever happened to navier is his fault he took a slave from war zone or whatever place gave her love on ly to break his wife’s heart and break the other one
She gaslighting herself till the end 💀🤡
Poor thing I knew that
I truly pity Rashta. She should never have been empress. She did need to pay for her crimes but her actions were driven by fear and desperation rather than malice.
Ma’am pls ✋😬 you didn’t like anyone but yourself. They were all tools to elevate you. I’ll bet money that if shoesh*t weren’t emperor, you wouldn’t have “loved” him. I knew she was delulu but thinking everyone she straight up MURDERED are forgiving her as she goes to heaven is crazy!
If I remember correctly, he’ll first live as a slave for a couple of years (~5y) and later he will live with his aunt (the dad’s sister), who follows the MC (don’t remember their entire connection). For a long time the aunt will be consumed by revenge on Duke Ergi, but later grow as a character and the boy will live happily.
Plus, Glorym, the daughter, isn’t gonna be with some family, but grow up with bandits – she’ll be pretty cool (she’ll know Sovietshit is her dad, but she won’t live as a princess, but aspire to be a knight)
I know that the daughter ends up with some family but what about the boy? What happens to him? 🤨🤨
If she didnt become greedy, she would’ve still be alive or as a slave. It is much better to live like a slave than live in a cell forever. At least if you are a slave theres a possibility that you can be freed if laws are changed but that is worse.
i would’ve pitied her if she really cared for anybody other herself 😂
I’m sorry gurl really said I wanna be top 1 with 0 hard work
the amount of people she killed and blackmailed
her almost killing fls bro
and the first child fate was also would’ve been same if it wasn’t duke eregi? idk how to spell his name
but meh atleast she did confess she was jealous of fl and did all this to push her down
rest in peace idk of it’s hell or heaven
eh idk i feel like this is better plus it does serve trashtas purpose of being a support character.. i dont blame dumb people BUT GD DO I WISH SOVIESHIT TO SUFFER
Trahsta’s death? No pop.
I really don’t like how they changed this. In the novel, Rashta suffered horribly while dying after drinking the poison, and it should have stayed that way imo. When Shoveishu found her corpse, her face was contorted from screaming. I honestly hate this “vision” of hers that was drawn instead, especially considering what she did to Navier. She “liked” her? Please. She doesn’t deserve a peaceful vision. Navier *never* forgived Rashta or Soveishu either, and Rashta does not deserve to feel as if she’s forgiven and absolved. Rashta is irredeemable and was unwilling to repent even at the very end.
You know… while i guess everybody did something to deserve the fate they got… I am realy sad about Rashta’s kids. Her son was really loved by his dad if not for all of this he could have a good life. And her daughter… Heartbreaking..