Remarried Empress - Chapter 175
You don't have anything in histories
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I can’t wait for that scene where Heinry asks Navier for the gem that Shoviishit gifted her and then later wear it to show off in the Eastern Empire.
NJSKDFKSDF I love this brutal, manipulative and petty man! 😂
i feel conflicted about the “foster parents” its not properly shown here unlike in the novel
but they basicly are being used with the promise of the imperial family helping to find their real daughter
only thing they could do when learning the truth is pass all their wealth and properties to her as they primed for the chopping block for their crimes
real daughter offcourse being Evily
NEXT CHAPTER IS NAVIERS MOMS 🤣🤣 yall bout to find out the secret of a long and happy marriage 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
It’s Funny how Rashta pities herself and thinks that whatever is happening to her she does not deserve it when the things that are happening to her Navier suffered through it. And now Rashta has the nerve to think of herself as the Empress when she did absolutely nothing to become one.
The fact she really thought sovishiite really cared about her is wild. (Got it she needed to believe it etc. And he manipulated her into believing it) but I still find the enjoyment of her learning that the position she stole from navier wasn’t safe from being taken from her either. Also there’s something enjoyable about a homewrecker realizing that the person they stole is still hung up on their ex.
But just to say so people don’t think it’s only rashta. Soveshiite is just as trash for not only taking advantage of someone he knew was in a poor position and using his authority and power to manipulate her and then drive her to her death.
Asmodeus Toe Ring
Trashta deserves every misery she experience now
Rashta you are just not human at all willing to get rid of your own child for shame also I wonder if she will dance or maybe do all of the ideas
Finally, enough time was wasted on watching trash burn. I NEED some fluff now pls!
Pink Macaroon
Omg the dance