Remarried Empress - Chapter 174
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Two things can exist at once: she had a horrible life but that doesn’t excuse the harm she caused an innocent person actively and purposely. She even gloated and tried to harm said person even more after driving them from their happiness. Her punishment is justified. She wanted the castle even if it meant killing its occupant. She was ready to get her hands dirty instead of just asking Navier for help. There was other avenues she could’ve taken but instead she turned from a victim to the abuser. I can sympathize that her story is sad but the outcome she got after she did such horrible things is exactly what she deserved. If she wasn’t so damaged and stuck on that. She could’ve maybe had a different outcome.
Hate people like trash bitch
Tf why that bit*h always drag our fl in her trash buissness,,, she is so evil that i can’t even feel any sympathy towards her now… If she just ask for help and Don’t do anything bad or steal. Our fl will surely Help her but trashta harm and insulted our fl still now what a piece of shitt she is
I feel bad for her kid self,not her current self.
Villains aren’t born,their made but she did despicable things that can never be undone.
If you try to ruin someone’s happiness you will never have happiness for yourself,to have a good life you need to be a good person.
Can someone explain the last two slides? so are those people rastas real parents and does soveistu want to use them to verify his daughter or the son that rasta had? that’s how i interpreted it
Those people are Trashta’s “foster” parents. Not her real ones. They were volunteered to be her parents so that they could eventually find their actual daughter. The emperor wants to make sure the baby is actually his not someone else’s. I’m not sure how that they aren’t her real biological parents helps that.
Lots of people live horrible lives…but they don’t take it out on others or try to kill others to put themselves in a better place. Smfh. I hope she gets what she deserves.
You know she’s crazy because who in their right mind says yeah I stole her husband and job but why am I being punished
I feel bad for what happen to her but that still give her no right for what she did destroying or taking other happiness will never give true happiness just more misery that why it called karma
Just cause she hada horrible life
Doesn’t mean she need to do horrible things to people to get a better life. Karma is catching up to her. She’s a evil person with a evil soul.
dude . . . she literally ordered an innocent maid’s tongue to be cut out, she plans to kill Navier’s parents, she harmed a bird which did nothing wrong and she is a freakin hypocrite and gold digger so how the hell can you find it in your heart to pity this bitch.
No, I don’t feel bad for her. She has long since been a villain and not a victim. She’s lied and killed and ruined many innocent lives. Clearly not satisfied with being “happy” like she claims, she’s gotten both power and money hungry. Turned from victim to bully, she does a lot bc she can now and justifies it with her tragic past. Just look at how she turned away her first child bc it jeopardizes her current lifestyle. Just like her father
I’m so sad for rashta, she is just a kid that went thru awful things, noone teached her how to love, nobody loved her genuinely, every one in her life used her for her body, then they used her for money, I love how “the villainess” is so humane
Su Lu Xia
Rashta doesnt have a right mind
Maybe a seeing a psychiatrist would help ig
Su Lu Xia
I want to see naviers babies🥲🥲