Remarried Empress - Chapter 173
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Soviestu isn’t a father since he’s infertile xD They wanna do the test on a boy, but I hope some will demand it on a princess as well~~
BTW, who’s the guy at the end? He looks a bit like Trasha D:
wait which kid are they doing a paternity test for? didn’t soviestu say that the daughter was his and rashtas kid honestly i kinda hope it isn’t his since he kinda deserves it
I really hate Rashta, I mean she got what she deserved, and can someone please spoil it for me, I need more information, about Duke Ergy and everything, is not where can I read the novel!!!
the only thing I pity for rasta is
she really taught the baby is shoeshits not her ex child
she really was used by her ex and same goes for now
lmao as a novel reader, ion even care for rashta and really sad about how it ends for her but MY GODS the most awaited parternity test 🙈🙈🙈 sovieshjt bout to shit his brains out 💀💀💀
Thats what she gets for openly antagonizing navier and being hostile towards her to ensure her own survival. I can feel bad for her being used by men but what I can’t excuse is her shitting on and taking pleasure in doing so to another woman. She deserves every bit what she has coming to her.
She played the game and she lost . She knew what she was doing and she was very bad at it. It’s just karma catching up to her.
Tbh I feel bad for rashta, she was just a stupid kid that got taken advantage of by that pedo-emperor , her only crime is being stupid, and yet she was happy only for a couple of months of her life, the rest of time she lived was a literal torchure , she believed promises of this asshole that killed her child she wanted to believe that emperor truly loved her, but he only loved her child like behaviour, because when she grew up he stopped loving her, just luke his wife, Rashta did many bad things , but it was the only thing she knew 🙁
Rashta made her choices and she has to face the consequences. But it seems like everyone keeps forgetting the woman was traumatized. She was told her baby died and held his corpse, that’s bound to mess any new mom up, and we see that trauma playing out with her new baby. I don’t wanna defend Rashta, but I also just want people to EQUALLY blame the men who have taken advantage of her for their own needs too.
I think i expect too much from trash-ta lol i thought she reached out bcs she worried her son Will hurt 😂
my heart hurt when I saw the baby crying 😥😥 she doesn’t deserve to be his mother
Poor innocent babies but I hope rashta suffer more because she deserves it