Remarried Empress - Chapter 171
You don't have anything in histories
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Baby boo
I could not say it better lol Navier you go girl lol let her bleed
People who still on trastha side are the same liks her. She always like that since the beginning, think everyone likes her. Did they read the early chapter? Lol
i think the novels exact word were “you always COVET whats mine” 🙈🙈 navier is the ice queen perioodddttt
thats the thing azarius, she didnt even get it the first time and had someone explain it to her before she hot angry… she’s honestly so dumb which is how shell live and how
shell dir 💀💀
The meaning of the gift doesn’t even match because navier isn’t a mistress like rashta was and her children will be legitimate unlike how rashta’s child wouldn’t have been. So she still couldn’t get the offense correct and once again fell flat like everything else she does.
What a perfect way to shut her up! “You always seem to be interested in MY husband!” 👏👏
She has no shame she always want to take what belong to navier… Rashta is nothing but petty, pathetic sorry of excuse of not only a women but person in general