Remarried Empress - Chapter 168
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im pretty sure that trashta has gone insane
@paddleduck omg yessss. I’ve been thinking that for a long time and it’s so nice to see that someone is saying that
Honestly like…Rashta is so much more interesting and compelling than Navier. She’s horrible, she’s traumatized, she’s naïve, she’s corrupted, she’s manipulative, she’s constantly being used, she’s growing, she’s descending into madness. What happened to the woman who once treasured the hairs cut off her baby’s head? I’m really starting not to care about Navier, her life is too boring/perfect. She needs more flaws.
Rashta is…just horrid. You know these people are searching for their daughter but to protect your wavering position, that you shouldnt have gotten in the first place you once again tramble on another woman. Not a girls girl at all.
Allen is just as horrid because excuse tf outta me? When she was a slave you cared nothing for her but now she’s empress, suddenly you want her to treat the child you hid from her and made her believe was dead as her child…he deserves everything he has coming to him.
First born? What’s this dude is even smoking. He was born out of wedlock, during the times she was a slave. The kid has no legal rights to the position of it. I swear the author is just dragging this story sometimes
Allan, you’re completely shameless. you refused to protect your son’s mother then have the audacity to ask her to use her influence for the child she thought died once you find out she’s living a better life than she had with you? eat a cow pie and put some effort into bettering life for your child, you ungrateful delinquent