Remarried Empress - Chapter 167
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Wait…. confused. Is Alan saying he also isn’t the baby boys father??? So Trashta is sleeping with another man and letting him be the sole baby daddy?!? Omganesh wtfff
Whew it’s getting spicy in the comments section.
Both kids are definitely Alan’s
Christa fate was created by her own hands. She could have lived peacefully had she not been chasing Henry and making herself the enemy of Navier, who extended a hope for friendship.
Also Alan is blaming his father when he did nothing to protect Rashta when he needed to. Soveshiite is just as trash as always. Don’t doubt the child now that you’ve tossed Navier away.
@Alicia101 you have absolutely no right to speak to me like that. I don t deserve your aggressive tone.
well what to expect from sissy shameless bastard such people only prey on those weaker than them since they have no balls and Rastha’s gene’s sure are strong and won’t be surprised if Shovieshu is the one who is infertile
bastard how dare you look at the child like that? isn’t that your damned fathers fault in front of whom you don’t have guts to do a shit tsk tsk shamelessness have no limits
If my memory from the novel is right…
My boy, Henrey will come to regret this a lot
Did you miss all the parts where she was doing everything in her declining power to get with her husband’s BROTHER, with whom she had been in love since he was iirc a minor, but mostly to not lose her position as Queen? Going as far as to want to become his concubine knowing fully well the bad experience Navier already had with it (probably hoping that the situation would drive her away from Henry too)?
She bring that to herself, she had a whole life of commodities and riches ahead of her thanks to being the old Queen but she decided to take more bc she refused to accept that Henry didn’t want her
@rianna how about you shut the fuck up and not defend a home wrecker? Or do you have something to share about yourself to the rest of the women? Loser.
Naw Christa was playing a game she had no business playing and she lost, had she went on her way she would have been fine.
@rianna its both sides meeting in the middle. heinry is definitely is doing a lot of foul play to gain his political needs. but he is reasonable, iff christa is quiet and staying in her lane as the former queen, he wouldnt have done anything to corner her like this. christa is well aware how dangerous politic is but she foolishly trying to bite more than she can chew and cant live with the consequences.
@rianna i mean she latterly tried to break up the fl and the ml, even going as far as asking to be the ml concubine knowing full well that the fl had bad relations with this like why would you do that it’s all most like you date your best friend crush knowing full well that liked them. not to mention she went for her husband’s brother. As far as i know, the old king didn’t have any concubine or mistresses, and he didn’t mistreat her even telling his brother to take care of her……so yeah to me she deserved it.
I don t think it was necessary to treat Christa this way … bit disapppointed