Remarried Empress - Chapter 166
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I have 2 thories: Due to less stress and the magic stones she was able to get pregnant, or she was just not able to have kids with Sovieshit because both ate the coockies. Not sure if Sovieshu is 100% infertile.
good riddance tbh. also rip rashta, you should have ran off with ur babies and some seed money ages ago
That’s the bad thing back then and even now sometimes. The government would think it was the fault of the woman and not the man and right away cast her aside for a younger woman. Smhh he deserves this hurt honestly. If he really thought of Navier as his partner, lover he’d been open with her with his thoughts and plans. Look for alternatives not just teas and foods. She had a few lovely nights on a magic bedding and POOF prego. Also she wasn’t as stressed too.
wait so the kid is not his then?
I also feel so bad for Christa, ngl
If he really love Navier, he would try something like medicine or maybe magic stone like what Heinry did. But instead he came out with that fool idea, ignoring and insulting Navier about the infertility. He and that Trashta suits each other. Whoever, the reader, still on their side, I need to slapped them hard on their face
From what I have heard they were both infertile but the mana stones helped navier
@Animeluver94 While Sovieshu is 100% infertile I think it was never explained if Navier was too or if it was all the mana stones do.
Personally, I believe she wasn’t completely infertile but still had problems conceiving and the stones helped to ‘cure’ that or at least increased the chance of getting pregnant
so is souvishit infertile? or did the mana stones help navier? I’m a lil confused by this
so is souvishit infertile? or did the mana stones help navier?
Tipical men when they think they can solve the household problem without having a discussion with their partner 🥱
If once he had discussed with Empress, then this would never happen
Perfection 🤤 I re-read that part 4 times. That’s what he get. No one forced you to be such a manwhore
Wow lots of Karma this week.
@aeleenA more than just nothing also might mean the daughter he is getting attached to isn’t his either.
Oh Sovieshu’s suffering!!
YESSSSSS FINALLY, I’ve been looking forward to Kristas demise and Sovieshus realisation!!! So perfect and satisfying!!!
Sovieshu just realize he did shit for nothing
Bro finaly understand !!
Yup, it’s not your’s indeed.