Remarried Empress - Chapter 163
You don't have anything in histories
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Izumi Miyamura
trashta is cooked, she is done!!
this is over all super good but there dragging the storyline. Its really not going anywhere
Only if rashta had just stayed quiet, she knows she is illiterate to most of the 2orks an empress handles yet she still makes stupid decisions.
Her major flaw is tbat shes just stupid
What’s funny, I’m probably wrong but I’m pretty sure the webcomic is actually condensing rashta stuff compared to the novel, though the novel is a lot more descriptive so that might be why it was so long.
They’re dragging shit again.
Looks like it’s really time to drop this.
Btw was this due to the faulty translation or did he really call the empress ” my butterfly”
He’s such a piece of shiite. Just because you’re living miserably thanks to the decisions you’ve made, doesn’t mean navier is.
The lion, the witch and the audacity of this bi- 🤬
star vs the forces of evil
I feel like it’s gone on for way too long
Hahhhh, this is why I dropped the series. How is the subplot from the very beginning still ongoing?? I’m glad I looked up the spoilers cause if had to wait without knowing, I’d have thrown my fucking phone out the window.
Ignores that stupid ex husband word he is just jealous of your happiness and if something is concerning you then talk to your husband he will tell you anything you want