Remarried Empress - Chapter 162
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ooooh kill that son of a bitch, rashta
I hate rashta but I kinda liked it when she got super angry at her biological father
@mooy01 it’s sister not brother @azarius shitshoe didn’t use her from beginning neither did her first kids father( ex) they both didn’t have any plan to abandon her
shitshoe plan was to give her position of empress till birth of the kid then demote her to concubine
but as u can see trashta only wants to be a noble not fulfill any duty
she hated empress and wanted to copy her
as much as she was abused what she and shit shoe did too empress and so many more lives ( empress Bro, the journalists sister, her own kid ( first son) her ex sister in law, so many more)
Brother? Didn’t he ask for his SISTER’s return? Or I’m confusing this dude with another? What kind of translation was this, is very confusing at times
I always start to feel sorry for Rasta because all of the men around her have only used and abused her, but then I’m hit with the atrocious acts she’s committed against innocent people and the sympathy is there but it doesn’t outweigh her crimes. She can still be pitied while condemning the actions.
Wow, so the father is an even bigger trash huh
star vs the forces of evil
What a terrible translation…