Remarried Empress - Chapter 153
You don't have anything in histories
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It’s funny to see that idiot emperor crying like that after what he did to Navier. Not only take mistress, he even insulted Navier. I hope he become insane
Lmaoooo how loudly I said SHES PREGOOOO was humorous loll it’s funny how all girls be like “pregnant” anytime another female gags or says they feel nauseated (≧▽≦)
I’m so happy that he’s suffering! Navier deserve the best!
maybe it not Navier who can’t have kids, maybe it shovishu or however you spell his name.
The fool cry for his empress but it’s a little too late it what you get for betraying her and omg is she pregnant please say she is she deserves to be happy
Its here!!!! 🥰🥰
the first sign………..^ ^
OMG the early signs of pregnancy!!!! It’s happening people!!!!
Finally, first sign of prego and covered up quite masterfully at that.